The solar industry has been weaponized by the power companies, the legal industry, and those legislative bodies that are on the take. Been there, done that with those people for the past 40 years. And I'm Blowing the Whistle on them...
The power companies, like Duquesne Light Company won't give customers proper credit for the power they generate through their "smart meters". Additionally, the power companies don't even keep track of the power generated by the customer on a "Net Metering Statement" as they did to me starting in 2018. Over the course of the next 25 months they overbilled me $5,451.79 by Changing my meters 6 times (thereby deleting the Solar Credits accumulated in my account) and adding kilowatt hours (kwh) via "Estimated Bills", all of which show up fraudulently on my Billing Statements and are 100% accounted for.
Additionally, immediately after I filed my Formal Complaint in January 2020, (I had previously filed an Informal Complaint with the PAPUC) DLCo sent a Hit Squad (Mr Security Services, Mary from Accounting, and Robert the Tech) came to my House to perform a "safety inspection" (everything looked okay), changed the meters again and chastened me to pay my bill. All three of them! In February of 2020 I received Estimated Bills adding 800 kwh - Used to the accounts, fraudulently billing me an additional $3859.18. DLCo had fraudulently overbilled me $9,310.97, all of the charges clearly showing up on my Billing Statements.
I'm going to take a pause to tell you how I caught them... I installed an Energy Monitoring system when Solar City (Tesla) first installed the panels when I found that the monitoring system that came with the Solar City was useless, it later became unsupported. My monitoring system showed that I was generating more kwh than I was using which alerted me to check my Billing Statements which identified the Solar Credits that disappeared from my account and the "Used" kwh that were added to my bills. Again, perfectly clear and accurate accounting. The current leader in Energy Monitoring is the Emporia Vue which sells for $150 (my old one was $350). It's a small price to pay to see how bad you're getting screwed.
The Solar Panels and Inverter Purchase: I installed a 10kw system on the house and a 5kw system on the Barn, total cost was $25,000 (far less than the cost of a new kitchen), however the Solar Panel Install is a true investment... My installation reduced my $200 electric bill to $0 ($13 meter fee) as evidenced by my current balance of -$300 which pays the yearly Meter Fee of $156. When you do a future value of money calculation of a $200/mo annuity you will find that the $25,000 investment is paid off in 4 years and then it's money in the bank for the next 21 and more. It's arbitrage. My website will include a Submittal Package for modular solar panel systems for the DIY Homeowner and Contractors. See the $1000 Emergency Generator Install Package where you will be able to buy inexpensive Plans and Specs to get the Em Gen approved at your Municipality, purchase all the materials and hire a Contractor to do the installation. Maybe for $5-$10...
How the Power Company Cheats you and Steals your Power
Since 2015 I have operated CM Services as a sole proprietorship out of my Home and exclusively on the internet. See: specializing in energy efficient building design, geothermal heating systems and now solar panel systems for homes and businesses. My Home and Barn generates more power that I use evidenced by the -$300 balance on my Duquesne Light Company electric bill.
And therein lies the problem... In 2018 I installed 15kw of solar arrays on my House and Barn and immediately noticed that DLCo was giving me No Credit for the excess kw that I was generating. On top of it, over the next several months, DLCo engaged in changing my meters which deleted all the Solar Credits I generated. I continued to pay the bills in full and filed an Informal Complaint with the PAPUC in May 2019. The Informal Complaint was not responded to until December 24, 2019 ordering me to pay the bill. All my bills were paid in full.
I responded to the PUC by informing them that I intended to file a Formal Complaint on the issue. In Jan and Feb 2020 DLCo fraudulently billed $3859.18 by means of Estimated Bills to my House and Barn accounts and Terminated my electrical service on March 3, 2020, the very day my Formal Complaint was filed with the PUC.
For the next 8 months I operated an emergency generator while the PUC Court (Judge Johnson) gave me a kangaroo Court Hearing (telephonic due to COVID) in which all of the evidence that I submitted to the Court (over 15 exhibits) were unavailable to Judge Johnson and never presented. Over those 8 months I was able to reconfigure the House and Barn to one meter (my intention all along) and DLCo started keeping track of the excess generation by means of Net Metering Statements which were the first that they produced.
In 2022 I filed my second Formal Complaint when DLCo made the $3822.12 of fraudulent charges Due and Payable and changed my Rate to Commercial. I was successful in getting the rate changed back to Residential and DLCo started issuing Net Metering Statements showing that I was a Net Energy Producer. However the $3822.12 of fraudulent charges remained on my Billing Statement as Disputed Charges as it remains today.
In 2023 I filed my third Formal Complaint attempting to have the $3822.12 removed from my Billing Statement. That Complaint was Stayed due to my filing a Petition for Review to Commonwealth Court for the First Formal Complaint.
On November 6, 2024 I received notice from the Commonwealth Court that my Petition for Review was Denied due to my failure to comply with court procedure. Additionally, recently I received the Second Interim Order Staying Proceedings and directing Parties to file Status Report from Judge Johnson at the PUC.
I have filed all these complaints with the PUC myself due to my absolute distrust of attorneys. The Condemnation of my home and property in 2012 resulted in me losing over $2.5 M with legal expenses exceeding $600k, so I'm not surprised that my appeal was rejected.
What I'm looking for is some help in fighting the Courts and Power Companies who have Weaponized the Legal System. . Additionally, I think this situation may be perfect to file a Federal Lawsuit over DLCo's fraudulently padding my bills, terminating my electrical service and seeking payment for the Disputed Charges.
Perhaps you know of a PA attorney that will work with me on a contingency basis, (I promise to do all the work necessary) and help me turn this into a Federal Case which could be turned into a Class Action Lawsuit of the fraudulent charges which could be proven from the customers’ Billing Statements.
DLCo is so corrupt and stupid... Homeowners' solar panel installations are the one and only thing that can save the Power Companies’ failing grid… And it can happen right now by consumers installing Solar Panels and eliminating their Electric Bill.